
Will You Marry Me? Poem

Interestingly, one of the main ways people find their way to my blog is by looking for a “Will You Marry Me?” poem on a search engine, usually google. I suppose that is because I have posted a few poems and my blog has as part of its name: will you marry me. I feel bad that these people usually don’t find what they are looking for when they visit here. On the eve of Valentine’s Day, it seems more people than usual are looking for such a poem as they prepare to pop the question. I’ve wanted to provide some sort of engagement poem here for some time, and with tomorrow’s celebration, it seems a good time to compose such a poem; I write it from a man’s point of view.

Keeper of My Heart, Keeper of My Life, Will You Be My...

My heart has found a home in your care
Your gentle and firm hands receive it well
And make it better and more true to tell
You inspire it with your vibrant flair.

With the keeping of my heart I want to say
That I want to be your protector and your sure stay
I want to lay down my life for love of you
Pouring myself out each day as the sun’s radiant hue.

You make my heart sing and give me life
With my heart in your hands, Will you be my wife?
I want to be yours till the day I die
Will you be mine, too, may I be your guy?

I am down on my knees and humbly beseech
That you be the keeper of my life
And my only cherished peach
Will you be mine, will you be my wife?

Let’s journey together on our way home
Let’s make a home together open to God’s gifts
That at the end of our journey we may not roam
But be taken to heaven where there are no rifts.

Will you be my wife and the center of my life
Except for God who is always number one
His name is Jesus, God’s only Son
Together we journey to Him through all life’s strife.

Well, you can’t say I didn’t try. It’s a first draft done in about twenty minutes. Feel free to use it and/or modify it to your needs. It is generic and a bit sappy, I fear. If it is too good, she may think you didn’t write it, right? This is just bad enough for her to think that you wrote it; of course, you wouldn’t want to deceive her, so you would have to modify it to take any credit for it. Or, you could just blame it on me; I mean give me the credit. Happy Valentine’s Day!

For a Bible passage that reflects some of what is in my poem, read this from Proverbs 31:
When one finds a worthy wife,
her value is far beyond pearls.
Her husband, entrusting his heart to her,
has an unfailing prize.
She brings him good, and not evil,
all the days of her life.
She obtains wool and flax
and works with loving hands.
She puts her hands to the distaff,
and her fingers ply the spindle.
She reaches out her hands to the poor,
and extends her arms to the needy.
Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting;
the woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Give her a reward for her labors,
and let her works praise her at the city gates.

Thanks for reading and your prayers.
Copyright 2007.
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